Useful Docker Commands In daily use

Useful Docker Commands In daily use


4 min read

Docker Basics

  1. docker version

    • Shows the Docker version installed on your system.

    •   docker version
  2. docker info

    • Displays system-wide information about Docker, including number of containers, images, and other details.

        docker info
  3. docker help

    • Provides help on using Docker commands.

        docker help

Working with Images

  1. docker pull

    • Downloads an image from a Docker registry (e.g., Docker Hub).

        docker pull <image_name>
  2. docker images

    • Lists all the images on your local machine.

        docker images
  3. docker rmi

    • Removes one or more images from your local machine.

    •   docker rmi <image_id>
  4. docker tag

    • Tags an image with a new name.

        docker tag <existing_image> <new_image:tag>
  5. docker build

    • Builds an image from a Dockerfile.

        docker build -t <image_name:tag> <path_to_dockerfile>
  6. docker push

    • Uploads an image to a Docker registry.

        docker push <image_name:tag>

Working with Containers

  1. docker run

    • Runs a container from an image.

        docker run -d --name <container_name> <image_name>
  2. docker ps

    • Lists all running containers.

        docker ps
  3. docker ps -a

    • Lists all containers, including stopped ones.

        docker ps -a
  4. docker stop

    • Stops a running container.

        docker stop <container_id>
  5. docker start

    • Starts a stopped container.

        docker start <container_id>
  6. docker restart

    • Restarts a container.

        docker restart <container_id>
  7. docker rm

    • Removes a container.

        docker rm <container_id>
  8. docker logs

    • Displays the logs of a container.

        docker logs <container_id>
  9. docker exec

    • Runs a command in a running container.

        docker exec -it <container_id> <command>
  10. docker attach

    • Attaches your terminal to a running container.

        docker attach <container_id>

Container Networking

  1. docker network ls

    • Lists all Docker networks.

        docker network ls
  2. docker network create

    • Creates a new Docker network.

        docker network create <network_name>
  3. docker network inspect

    • Displays detailed information about a network.

        docker network inspect <network_name>
  4. docker network connect

    • Connects a container to a network.

        docker network connect <network_name> <container_id>
  5. docker network disconnect

    • Disconnects a container from a network.

        docker network disconnect <network_name> <container_id>

Docker Volumes

  1. docker volume ls

    • Lists all Docker volumes.

        docker volume ls
  2. docker volume create

    • Creates a new Docker volume.

        docker volume create <volume_name>
  3. docker volume inspect

    • Displays detailed information about a volume.

        docker volume inspect <volume_name>
  4. docker volume rm

    • Removes a Docker volume.

        docker volume rm <volume_name>

Docker Compose

  1. docker-compose up

    • Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service defined in a docker-compose.yml file.

        docker-compose up
  2. docker-compose down

    • Stops and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by docker-compose up.

        docker-compose down
  3. docker-compose ps

    • Lists containers started by Docker Compose.

        docker-compose ps
  4. docker-compose logs

    • Displays log output from services managed by Docker Compose.

        docker-compose logs
  5. docker-compose exec

    • Executes a command in a running service container.

        docker-compose exec <service_name> <command>

Cleanup Commands

  1. docker system prune

    • Removes all unused containers, networks, images (both dangling and unreferenced), and optionally, volumes.

        docker system prune
  2. docker container prune

    • Removes all stopped containers.

        docker container prune
  3. docker image prune

    • Removes unused images.

        docker image prune
  4. docker volume prune

    • Removes all unused volumes.

        docker volume prune

Inspecting and Debugging

  1. docker inspect

    • Returns low-level information about Docker objects.

        docker inspect <container_id or image_id>
  2. docker diff

    • Inspects changes to files or directories on a container’s filesystem.

        docker diff <container_id>


  1. docker scan

    • Scans your Docker images for vulnerabilities.

        docker scan <image_name>

By mastering these commands, you can effectively manage Docker images, containers, networks, volumes, and more, enhancing your ability to deploy and maintain containerized applications.

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