Setting Up Celery, Celery Beat, Redis, and Django

Setting Up Celery, Celery Beat, Redis, and Django


4 min read

This guide will walk you through the detailed process of setting up and using Celery with Redis in a Django application. We'll cover task creation, enqueuing tasks, using Redis as a message broker, processing tasks with Celery workers, and scheduling periodic tasks using Celery Beat.


  1. Celery: A task queue for managing and executing asynchronous tasks.

  2. Celery Beat: A scheduler for periodic tasks.

  3. Redis: A message broker to store and manage task queues.

  4. Django: A web framework to create and manage web applications.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Install Required Packages

First, install the necessary packages using pip:

pip install celery redis django

2. Configure Django Project

Create a Django project and application if you haven't already:

django-admin startproject myproject
cd myproject
django-admin startapp myapp

3. Setup Celery

Create a file in your project directory (myproject/ to configure Celery:↳

# myproject/

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import os
from celery import Celery

# Set the default Django settings module for the 'celery' program.
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'myproject.settings')

app = Celery('myproject')

# Using a string here means the worker doesn't have to serialize
# the configuration object to child processes.
app.config_from_object('django.conf:settings', namespace='CELERY')

# Load task modules from all registered Django app configs.

def debug_task(self):
    print(f'Request: {self.request!r}')

4. Ensure Celery Loads When Django Starts

Modify the file in your project directory (myproject/

# myproject/

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

# This will make sure the app is always imported when
# Django starts so that shared_task will use this app.
from .celery import app as celery_app

__all__ = ('celery_app',)

5. Configure Django Settings

Add the Celery and Redis configurations to your Django settings (myproject/


CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'redis://'

6. Define Tasks

Create tasks in your Django app (myapp/

# myapp/

from celery import shared_task

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

def some_periodic_task():
    # Task code here

7. Enqueue Tasks

Enqueue tasks from your Django views or other parts of your application (myapp/

# myapp/

from django.http import JsonResponse
from .tasks import add

def my_view(request):
    result = add.delay(4, 4)  # Enqueues the task to Redis
    return JsonResponse({'task_id':})

8. Setup Celery Beat for Periodic Tasks

Configure periodic tasks in

# myproject/

from celery.schedules import crontab

app.conf.beat_schedule = {
    'add-every-30-seconds': {
        'task': 'myapp.tasks.add',
        'schedule': 30.0,
        'args': (16, 16)
    'run-every-monday-morning': {
        'task': 'myapp.tasks.some_periodic_task',
        'schedule': crontab(hour=7, minute=30, day_of_week=1),
        'args': ()
app.conf.timezone = 'UTC'
  • add-every-30-seconds: This task runs every 30 seconds and calls the add function with the arguments 16 and 16.

  • run-every-monday-morning: This task runs every Monday at 7:30 AM and calls the some_periodic_task function without any arguments.

9. Start Celery Worker and Celery Beat

Start a Celery worker to process tasks:

celery -A myproject worker --loglevel=info

Start Celery Beat to schedule periodic tasks:

celery -A myproject beat --loglevel=info

Alternatively, you can run both a worker and beat in one command:

celery -A myproject worker -B --loglevel=info

10. Monitoring and Management


Flower is a real-time web-based monitoring tool for Celery.

Install Flower:

pip install flower

Run Flower:

celery -A myproject flower

Access Flower in your web browser at http://localhost:5555.

Redis CLI

Inspect the queues and tasks using Redis CLI.

Start the Redis CLI:


Example commands:

  • KEYS *: Lists all keys in the Redis database.

  • LLEN celery: Shows the number of tasks in the celery queue.

Example Django Project Structure

Here's an example directory structure for a Django project with Celery tasks:



  1. Install Packages: Install Celery and Redis.

  2. Configure Celery: Create and configure

  3. Load Celery: Ensure Celery loads with Django.

  4. Configure Settings: Add Celery and Redis configurations in Django settings.

  5. Define Tasks: Create tasks in your Django app.

  6. Enqueue Tasks: Use the delay method to add tasks to the Redis queue.

  7. Periodic Tasks: Configure periodic tasks with Celery Beat.

  8. Start Processes: Run Celery worker and beat to process tasks and schedule periodic tasks.

  9. Monitoring: Use tools like Flower and Redis CLI to monitor and manage tasks.

By following these detailed steps, you can set up a Django application to handle asynchronous tasks and periodic tasks using Celery, Celery Beat, and Redis. This setup helps in managing background jobs efficiently and ensures your application remains responsive.

#######################BONUS :D #############################
Retrieving the Result:

  • The task ID ( can be used to query the result.
from celery.result import AsyncResult

def get_task_result(task_id):
    result = AsyncResult(task_id)
    if result.ready():
        return result.result  # The result of the task
        return 'Task not yet completed'

The End :D

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